Thanks to everyone who came down for the coaching at 9am today! Hopefully you all enjoyed it and felt you benefited from it. Sorry it was so busy, it will quieten down very quickly. The coaching will continue every single Saturday and we’ll work on a new area every single time. By the end of the year we’ll have trained you how to be a expert badminton player! Coaching will start at 9:15 on the dot.
Intramural badminton starts this week on Wednesday. 17.00-19.30 in the CSE. There will be plenty of space. If you are a beginner then that session is great as there hopefully shouldn’t be that many people. Like the page here!
In addition to this we’re going to be starting a small training session for people who aren’t in teams but really want to get into one. The coaching will be on some Wednesdays (starting on the 2nd October) so let me know if you want to get involved. Spaces are limited! There will be a (very small) charge just to cover the cost of the hall.