On the 10th of November, 17 EUBC members went to
the Edinburgh picture1Blood Donation Centre to donate blood. Of our 17 members, 13 were eligible to donate. Only one member was a returning donor, meaning that this initiative has encouraged 12 new people to become more involved in giving back to their community. The donation was simple; everyone came at their allotted times, donated blood and were done within the hour. Some members were nervous but still wanted to donate, with other members being very supportive and encouraging. Everyone who was eligible to donate did so, despite any fears they may have had.

As a club, we appreciate the importance and value of helping the local community. We understand that giving blood can save lives. By donating blood, we help fill up the vital blood banks to ensure there is an adequate supply for surgeries and emergencies. We recognize the necessity for blood donations and to see our members putting aside their spare time to voluntarily donate blood is something we actively encourage and appreciate. For our nervous yet brave members who overcame their fears to donate, it is a testament of your courage and selflessness, and we all are extremely proud of you. In an effort to extend our involvement with the local community, this is the first of many donation events to come as many other club members have expressed interest for another event to be organized in the near future.

Written by Jitsai Santaputra, EUBC Health and Safety Officer



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