President | Jacob Reynolds |
Hi, I’m Jacob in my 3rd year of Edinburgh University studying Geophysics and I will be your EUBC President for this year! I have played for Scotland and I was first team captain last year. You could say I know how to hit a shuttle since I have been playing since I was born. Furthermore, I was nominated and won B.N.I.B (Biggest Name In Badminton) last year so I am a friendly face despite my towering height and stern expression. Other interests beyond badminton are few and far between but I really do enjoy making people suffer in circuit sessions and eating Twix and ‘Marshmallow Fluff’ out of the jar. The badminton club is a great community with a lot of friendly faces (especially mine) and both I and the badminton club are not something to be overlooked. You will be welcomed with open arms to EUBC. Badminton is love, badminton is life. Peace xo |
Secretary | Jamie Donachie |
Hello! As a third year medical student, I decided my life was nowhere near busy enough, and that being secretary of the badminton club is the only way I can feel truly fulfilled. As your secretary, I will be shuttling here and there throughout most of the year, so you’re bound to see me around. Though club sessions can be a bit of a racket, please come and say hello. I’ve been courting this position for a while, and I like to think this is what I’ve been training for. My main aim is to lift the badminton club by serving up a policy of enforced puns and above average banter. However, I will still have a fine grip on the everyday running of the club, and make sure nothing is out of line. I’m not stringing you along, this year is going to be smashing. |
Treasurer | Ying Zheng |
Hi, I’m Ying and I am your treasurer for this year! Being a third year maths student the clubs spreadsheets are in very safe hands! I am probably the friendliest treasurer we have ever had after recently winning ‘friendliest friend’ at the last BOSCARS ceremony!! I am looking forward to this year of creating badminton related puns and meme making while also doing the clubs finances in a spectacular fashion. You will always catch me at the weekly club sessions and The Villager if you ever want to chat about the club! |
Publicity Officer | Radin Mohd Nurrazmin (Radin Amin) |
Hello there! My name is Radin, and I’m currently a Third Year Chemical Engineering student at the Universtiy, and I’ll be your Publicity Officer for the year. So, be prepared to have your candid and possibly embarassing moments with the club captured on camera(s). Having picked up a racket from the tender age of 7, badminton has been my go-to sport since then, and I am indeed very excited to be a part of this, regardless of whether or not it is as an ordinary club member, or a committee member of the club. Having a social presence is a particularly important attribute to have, especially when you’re about to have the best night of your life *wink wink* I look forward to seeing all of you and having a good time, as well as making good memories, memories which I will never divulge to the public for my own safety… |
Social Secretary | Lewis Ho |
Hey, my name is Lewis Ho and I’m a third year classics student. I, along with the marvellous Laurie, will be your social secretary for the year. In my time in the badminton club, I have excelled as a captain with one of my team members describing me as “strong, spectacular and special”. I am looking forward to being one of your social secretaries, mainly to instate mandatory fish incidents on a night out and to ban any involvement with the burning pit of hell that is S***mash. No one shall be rejected from the joy of a badminton social if I have anything to do with it. I am quite simply the life and soul of any party, and the club would be lost without me. I decided it was my turn to give back to our loving, if slightly alcoholic, community xoxo |
Social Secretary | Laurie Chetwood |
The name’s Driver. Laurie Driver. As one of the social sexcretaries this year, I’ll be working with Lewis* to be your go-to guy. Whether you need some advice on your punctuation, or want to learn some of my super sneaky trick shots, I’ll be there to help. If you don’t know who I am, I’m the one with a super cool stance when I play where I (shuttle)cock my wrist – I call it the Preying Mantis, and it’s awesome. I’m also the guy who turns up to socials in a tweed blazer because I’m so huge and muscular I need to play up to the rugby-lad vibe whenever possible. Seriously though, Lewis and I are dedicated to integrating everyone in the club with our regular fantastic socials! Whether you want to drink until you’re comatose or just have a good bowling session, we’ll have you covered! *Disclaimer – any man, woman or child who dares to come between me and my fuzzy boo boo is sure to face my wrath. You have been warned. P.S. I LOVE CORBYN. |
Kit Officer | Megan Munro |
My name is Megan and I am super excited to be your kit officer this year for the second year in a row. As a third year PE student, I am literally a walking advertisement for the University of Edinburgh Playerlayer kit. I cannot wait to further my experience in wearing every available item of clothing emblazoned with the university emblem and pass on my knowledge of our large range of EUBC kit. I am also from the North of Scotland from the great town, “Inverness” and a Big Cheese fan. So If you are interested in badminton clothing, places you have never heard of and VK’s then get in touch because I’m the gal to help! |
Safety/Alumni Officer | Annie Tucker |
Hey, my name is Annie and I’ll be your new safety/alumni officer. I’m going into my fourth year studying English lit, which means whenever I’m not getting hit in the head by a shuttlecock, I’m reading books. Don’t be fooled though, English lit is a dangerous subject, paper cuts are an ever present threat, which, accompanied with the occasional hard blow to the head with a shuttlecock, is why I’ve taken it upon myself to make sure the badminton club is a safe environment. However, it will also be my job to maintain a good friendship with our alumni and make sure new friendships are made between our new/current members and our alumni. |
Club Captain | Steph Tsang |
Hello, my name is Steph and I’m your Club captain for this forthcoming year. I’m a fourth year law and economics student and when I’m not writing briefs or researching macroeconomics, I’m playing badminton. Last year I was the captain of the women’s fourth team and I wanted to carry on my success as captain to the whole club. As your club captain, I will organise the community outreach the club does including; coaching at different clubs, volunteering at badminton events and fundraising for charities. I’m also the person to reach if you are interested in playing tournaments local in Edinburgh or further afield. So if you need a hand with badminton tournaments, are interested in volunteering or interested what macroeconomics actually means, I am the lassie to talk too!! |